sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

Girl with the long strands

Naked branches
Without hesating nets
Without our shadows
Amalgamated to the tree
Long bindweed
Girl with the long strands
Braid hair and childhood
I remember the waste sidewalk… trail
Tied to my voice
Your freshness opened a portal on the plain
Girl with long childhood…
The rain will come, will wet the bindweed;
Your strands and
The naked branches of the tree
Your body shows intimacy, soul.
The rain will break the dirt
Will reborn the tree and bindweed
Your childhood will pass
Girl with the long strands
The fall will return
My voice will break the silence
I will give you a lonely kiss
Next to the tree with naked branches;
Fill with illusions.

Translated by:   Nyuu
Traducido por: Nyuu

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